Category: Graduate Classes

  • Mood board for Schwinn Hipster Campaign

    Mood board for Schwinn Hipster Campaign

    For this week’s Photoshop class assignment, I chose to do a mood board for a Schwinn campaign I’d like to see.   Schwinn is a storied bicycling company that has lately been divided into two levels; the discount-walmart styles and the high end styles. And by doing so, it seems that they’ve become less of a respected brand […]

  • Tracking Eyes

    Tracking Eyes

    Eye tracking can do many things, from helping you to determine how effective your sale banner is, how effective your content style is, and how much an expert someone is. Let us look at some uses, key findings and examples of eye tracking research. One of the key uses for eye tracking has been to […]

  • H2Angeles


    For my Photoshop class this week we were asked to create a logo for a non-profit, “deal[ing] in green initiatives in Los Angeles” and which seeks to “aquir[e] local business partners [and] overall awareness of green intiatives.” I decided to focus on one of the greatest environmental threats to L.A.: water. I thus created a […]

  • Crowdsourcing and you

    Crowdsourcing and you

    An independent project raises 5,549% of it’s goal, $1000 dollar stock photos are now going for $1, businesses are spending $25,000 for R&D instead of “several times that amount”, and most articles on businesses in Wikipedia have some inaccuracy in them. These are just some examples of how crowdsourcing is changing the face of our […]

  • Integrated Marketing Campaign-Lowe’s Hello Fall

    Integrated Marketing Campaign-Lowe’s Hello Fall

    This week in Photoshop we were discussing Integrated Marketing Campaigns (IMC), and for our assignment we were to make an image in keeping with the IMC style. My brand choice was one that I use regularly and would love to use more, Lowe’s! (Note: this is for class and I am not affiliated with Lowe’s). […]

  • Week 6: Mobile to Universal Advertising

    Week 6: Mobile to Universal Advertising

    A Growth Opportunity Mobile is one of the greatest opportunities for marketing.  Devices will increase from 7 billion in 2013 to 10.2 billion in 2018 (a 46% increase) (Cisco, p. 7). Smartphones (and smartdevices) will increase from 21% to 54% of the mobile device make up (Ibid., p. 8). And while these may seem like […]

  • Week 5: How Google works, Intro to Analytics and 3 Landing page mistakes

    Week 5: How Google works, Intro to Analytics and 3 Landing page mistakes

    How Google search works: Sometimes we feel that Google search works by magic. And to some extent it does, but more like David Copperfield than Merlin.  Perhaps the biggest illusion that people have of Google is that it searches the internet the moment you press search.  But to be able to serve results as […]

  • The 3 Monkeys Cafe

    The 3 Monkeys Cafe

    The Project this week was to make an image for a Local Coffee house’s website.  I decided to create a coffee house I’d love to run, and one that would be a bit more than just college students studying (though that of course would be welcome). The first thing I did was come up with […]

  • Week 4: SEO Basics: Be the Lone Ranger.

    Week 4: SEO Basics: Be the Lone Ranger.

    We’ll get to SEO in a sec, but lets talk about hats. There are white hats and black hats, and of course grey and tan hats.  Tan and grey hats can’t make up their mind to be black or white hats, so lets just stick to the important ones. White and Black. White hats: Bold […]

  • Dream Bench

    Dream Bench

    This week we worked on a variety of tools from cloning to adjustment layers and the wonderful spot healing tool. Our source image for this week’s project was a choice of three: I originally thought to go with the bouquet, but given that one of the instructions was to clone more flowers, I felt that […]